Friday 28 November 2008


A common viewpoint is that plan is important for our life.Some people consider that they can't work ,travel ,or study without a plan.It's thought that a lot of advantages for our future to prepare a plan before we start an important thing.

Wednesday 26 November 2008

Vocabulary building and teaching

What type of person are you?

  1. Are you usually smiling and happy?..................................(cheerful)
  2. Do you enjoy the company of other people? ....................(sociable)
  3. Do you find it difficult to meet new people?..................... (shy)
  4. Do you have definite plans for your future career?.........(ambitious)
  5. Does your mood change often and suddenly for no reason?...............(moody)
  6. Do you notice other people's feelings?...............................(sensitive)
  7. Do you think the feature will be good?..............................(optimistic)
  8. Can your friends depend on you?.......................................(reliable)
  9. Is your room often a mess?.................................................(untidy)
  10. Do you get annoyed if you have to wait for anyone or anything?.......(impatient)
  11. Do you put off until tomorrow what you could do today?....................(lazy)
  12. Do you work hard?................................................................(hardworking)
  13. Do you keep your feelings and ideas to yourself?.............(reserved)
  14. Do you often give presents?.................................................(generous)
  15. Do you talk a lot?...................................................................(talkative)
  16. Are you usually calm and not worried by things?............(easygoing)

I think those vocabulary words useful and we need to practice as much as we can.

  • Source of information's: New Headway - intermediate Student's Book

Tuesday 25 November 2008


Planning is a feature of everyday living – weather at home or in business. Without it our lives would be totally chaotic and random.

Plans vary from imprecise vague statements to thick volumes prepared over a long period.

Some are useful; other a waste of time. Very few remain unaltered

People are frequently asked to prepare plan with no guidance at all, and the result often falls short of expectations.

· Has objectives which can be measured
· Answers questions that stakeholders should be asking
· Builds in options and contingencies
· Identifies and quantifies risks
· Sets out how to minimise those risks or the adverse consequences that might arise from them
· Allows progress to be measured

Ø Planning involves:
· Management and executive time and input
· Commitment
· Cost
· Research
· Assumptions
Therefore, it is important to get it right (or less wrong than the opposition)!

For some people planning is second nature: for others it is quite the reverse.
The dangers of poor planning will be more obvious in some environments than others.
The greatest military victories were almost always won where they had been planned thoroughly and all eventualities considered.
Ø Planning gives:
· Certainty
· Measures
· Confidence
· A route map
· Evidence to others of forethought

Source of information’s:
By: Neil Russell - Jones

Monday 24 November 2008


I go to flying courses three to four times a week depends on the weather conditions in order to gain a Private Pilot Licence in aviation, I must complete 45 hours flying including 20 hours solo (flying alone). Normally I fly by Piper plane, it is an adventure experience but very enjoyable!

Friday 21 November 2008

Analyse my own language abilities and needs

Speaking : Very good
Writing : Weak
Reading : Good
Listening : Good
Pronunciation : Good
Grammar : Weak
Vocabulary : Very good
Academic skills : Weak

I think I have to work hard to improve my weakest areas.

In my opinion, my English has improved comparing to to first when I have joined the course.

Wednesday 19 November 2008

Speaking practice

I have found Speaking practice one of the best ways to improve my language, as it teaches me the right spelling and pronunciation of words.I do take every single opportunity to speak in English language with my class mates, my flaying instructor and my friends.I advise other to practice as well if they wish to improve their English as few hours in the class room would not be enough.

TV / radio listening

I have started watching and listening to BBC 24 Chanel most of the time when I'm at home, as I found it very helpful in getting the right pronunciation of the words, also by setting subtitle option ON it helps me a lot in improving my spelling skills. However I advise my colleagues to do the same thing, it s relay working.

London visit /Social programme activity

Hyde park is one of my favorite places in London, It is close to my place and that's where i practice my favorite Hobie " Horse Riding " sometimes in the afternoon during the week as it's less bussy then weekends, I love that green spaces, Speaker's corner where people from all over the world, and different religions express there view's with full freedom! . Close to Hyde park corner Station there a medium size garden for a large variety of flowers from all over the world. Also not fare from there there a peacefully coffee shop & restaurant surrounded by lake where you can ride a small boat.

Preparing for further study

I have plan to study Economics and International Business,This joint Honours gives Me the opportunity to specialise in tow disciplines,providing Me with a greater career choice and a range of highly transferable skills.I will gain a sound grounding in both business and economics,with a focus on international business activity.I acquire the ability to use economic reasoning, as well as an understanding of organisational features such as the external environments of international business, it will explain how international businesses have contributed to globalisation and how they respond to the challenges by the global economy.


I have worked in different jobs in my life in Marketing & Sales and Management. in those days I took decision to continue My study after I established My Own Company. also I am learning to Fly which is my dream.